About Laura
I am a spontaneous, passionate beach volleyball player, curious and actually work in psychiatric research. However, I am also pursuing 100 other projects with the aim of growing constantly, discovering new things and helping to shape the world. At the same time, my friends describe me as very reflective … A quality that I sometimes consult with someone like Annika.
Why I chose Annika
I turned to Annika because I felt that I needed support – in a very specific work situation and also in working on a vision or mission for myself. I am a person with a lot of interests who often lose track of what is most important to me. Annika was able to guide me through this process incredibly naturally and strategically. She is a great listener without giving any judgments or interpretations. She helped me to find the right words for my emotional constructs and led me to the core of things. It was also incredible how she could question my doubts or put them into perspective and awaken incredible “aha” moments. Thanks Annika. My feet are on the ground again.