Frequently Asked Questions
What is systemic coaching?
Systemic coaching is based on understanding the changing dynamics within any given environment, private or professional. Human beings do not act independently, but engage in complex, interactive relationships with one another. As with any system, these dynamic, ever-changing networks of human interaction are subject to problems. However, reducing these to simple cause-effect patterns (which usually relies on making ‘if… then’ assumptions) falls short of finding a sustainable solution to the problem, which is why being able to see the bigger systems at play is so valuable. This is where systemic coaching can really help you, as the coach can bring their ability to reflect on and enact change to the table.
What does your coaching process look like?
My coaching process is primarily and fundamentally needs-based. Each and every person is different, so it’s vital that I tailor my sessions on an individual basis. To kick off your individualised coaching process, we will have a free 45-minute connection call: this is where we can get to know each other a little bit, discuss where you’re at, consider a starting date, and decide if or how I can support you best. After our kick-off call I will send you a questionnaire and a coaching agreement via email. Then, before the first session, you will send me your questionnaire responses and we’ll go from there. During our sessions, I will be able to support your self-exploration and development processes with my vast variety of listening practices and coaching methods, helping you to navigate your emotions and thoughts and, ultimately, tap into your potential.
If I want to sample your work for free can I do that?
Yes! Once a month I offer a donations-based, two-hour Zoom call workshop in which I explore different topics (e.g. anger, fear, intimacy, leadership, etc.). To stay in the loop about these group calls, add me on Facebook or sign up to my newsletter.
What do you mean by ‘impact‘?
For me, impact means committing to building a future world, the one that you would have liked to grow up in. In a world of seven billion people, it’s easy to believe that the only way to initiate profound transformation is to take extreme action. But it’s not true! The reality is that everything we do and everything we think directly affects the people in our day-to-day lives, and, in turn, the people in their lives and so on and so on… This means that the impact you have on the world is much greater than you could ever imagine.
What is the difference between training and coaching?
Coaching and training are two very different processes. The goal of coaching is to provide targeted, temporary help for a specific objective or problem. On the other hand, training is about imparting new knowledge or skills to participants. A coach usually works one-to-one, while a trainer works with a group of people. In coaching, the coach’s entire focus is on the client (or ‘coachee’): together with the coach, they develop motivation and a future plan. In contrast, a trainer leads groups and teaches participants things that they could not or did not know before. A trainer is usually brought in by a manager or team leader and has the task of maintaining the balance between imparting knowledge and skills, the group’s collective process, and the needs of the individuals in that group.
What is the difference between coaching and consulting?
A coach motivates their clients to search independently for new solutions to their problems. As such, the coach uses various intervention techniques and applies them according to the needs of the situation. The coach’s responsibility is supporting the client in processing the challenges they are tackling, so that they can implement system-compatible solutions in their everyday life for themselves. In contrast, a consultant is responsible for delivering expert knowledge. Where the client does not know how to do something, the consultant does, and so supplies appropriate advice and instructions (e.g. in the case of lawyers or tax advisors).
Why should I invest in this sort of service?
Because you totally deserve the best life you can have! And you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. The best time of your life is when you have dreams and you find a way to make them happen. Life is a journey and — ironically — we can’t possibly know the way forwards on that journey unless we dare to set out, trusting that we already have within us everything that we need, and that we will learn everything else on our way.